The Subject
I try never to be surprised
But somehow I always seem to surprise other people
It makes me laugh
It means they're expecting something
I used to be the party girl
With a smile in a constant stricture of hysterical pain
Hips cracked
Legs rusted open
Dizzy from watching my bra spin on one too many ceiling fans
After a dozen years I have reached the sublime point
Where everything I do is out of character one way or the other
I didn't even know I had a character
What kind of clown am I?
The crying on the inside kind, I guess
What's wrong with me?
None of your goddamn business
Nothing Really
Well not much
When it's all stripped down
I'm nothing but an overthought flatworm
I move away from the parts of the tank where I get the painful shock
And live to split another day
Or line up side by side with another of my kind and share everything I've got
Everything I am
Everything I've learned
Syzygy it's called
Fact is I can't live up to my own legend
It doesn't particularly interest me anymore
I'm just a rat who's gotten good at working the feeder bar
And staying off the hot spots on the maze
Receive the stimulus
Figure out the least painful response
Try to build a nest for my young outta that crappy newspaper in the bottom of the cage